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[MOTIE] R&D project notification in the electronic components field (semiconductor, IT convergence) in 2024

Writer Research Support Team Date Created 2024.02.20 Hits239

Following are the recent R&D project calls sponsored by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, aimed at supporting domestic semiconductor materials, components, equipment, and post-processing companies, as well as academia and research institutions, in pursuing technological collaboration with leading overseas research institutions and companies.

 For detailed information, please refer to the attachments(in Korea) or the original notification. Link:
Electronic component industry technology development project 
(Semiconductor Technology Development Project with Export-Linked System for Overseas Market Entry)
No RFP Title Period
‘24 Organization  Type Running Royalty Remark
(Million Won)
1 국내 팹리스 해외진출을 위한 美-中 R&BD 플랫폼 구축 57 3,000 Non-profit organization only Product development N/A  
(Establishment of a U.S.-China R&BD Platform for Domestic Fabless' Overseas Expansion.)
(Advanced system semiconductor design platform technology development)
No RFP Title Period
‘24 Organization  Type Running Royalty Remark
(Million Won)
1 DMT(Discrete Multi-Tone) 변조 기반 고속 인터페이스 기술개발 (Development of high-speed interface technology based on DMT (Discrete Multi-Tone) modulation) 57 800 Non-profit organization only Proprietary technology Charging  
(Electronic component industry technology development (Semiconductor))
No RFP Title Period
‘24 Organization  Type Running Royalty Remark
(Million Won)
1 첨단 패키징 초격차 실현을 위한 글로벌 기술협력 (Global technological collaboration for achieving advanced packaging excellence) 33 500 Non-profit organization only Proprietary technology N/A  
2 Glass Interposer 기반 2.5D 고속 인터페이스 개발 (Development of 2.5D high-speed interface based on Glass Interposer) 33 1,930 N/A Charging International Collaborative Research
3 잉크젯 프린터를 이용한 저가형 유기 RDL 인터포저 기술 (Low-cost organic RDL interposer technology using inkjet printer) 33 1,930
4 2.XD 고성능 시스템 반도체용 고밀도 인터포저 및 브릿지 다이 기술개발 (Development of high-density interposer and bridge die technology for XD high-performance system semiconductors) 33 1,930
5 전기화학 식각 기술 기반 하이브리드 본딩 패드 디싱 제어 및 CMP 하이브리드 연마 기술 개발 (Development of hybrid bonding pad design control and CMP hybrid polishing technology based on electrochemical etching technology.) 33 1,930
6 3D Multi Die의 이종접합 패키지구조에서 열적-기계적-전기적 변형에 대한 해석 기술 개발 (Development of analysis technology for thermal-mechanical-electrical deformation in 3D Multi Die heterojunction package structure) 33 1,930
7 첨단패키지 패턴 결함 분석장비용 핵심 센싱 기술 및 고신뢰 AI 알고리즘 개발 (Development of core sensing technology and highly reliable AI algorithm for advanced package pattern defect analysis equipment) 33 1,930 N/A
8 고품질 하이브리드 본딩을 위한 세정 기술과 표면 분석 기술 개발 (Development of cleaning technology and surface analysis technology for high-quality hybrid bonding) 33 1,930 Charging
9 Advanced 2.5/3.0D Packaging을 위한 이종 소자간 ∼1㎛ 분해능, 실시간 계측이 가능한 다목적 홀로그램 3차원 검사설비 개발 (Development of a multipurpose holographic 3D inspection facility capable of ∼1㎛ resolution and real-time measurement between heterogeneous devices for Advanced 2.5/3.0D Packaging) 33 1,930 Product development
10 2.5D 패키징용 캐리어 웨이퍼 Laser lift Off 공정용 UV Laser 소스 및 디본딩 시스템 개발 (Development of UV Laser source and debonding system for carrier wafer Laser lift off process for 2.5D packaging) 33 1,930
11 패키지 신뢰성 향상 및 손상원인 규명을 위한 실시간/실환경 분석기술 개발 (Development of real-time/real-environment analysis technology to improve package reliability and identify damage causes) 33 1,930 Proprietary technology
Proposal Submission(Feb. 29, 2024~March 14, 2024)→Preliminary Review & Evaluation(March-April)→Evaluation Results and Application for Objections(April)→Signing Agreements and Disbursement of Funds(April-May)