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[NRF] RFP, 2024 Young Scientist Grants in Humanities and Social Sciences

Writer Research Support Team Date Created 2024.02.21 Hits190

Young Scientist Grants in Humanities and social sciences

1. Eligibility of Applicant: 
1) A faculty member at a domestic university within 5 years* of being first appointed to an assistant professor or higher position, or within 10 years of obtaining a doctoral degree.

 *2019.3.7. Faculty members who were later appointed to the position of assistant professor or higher for the first time
 ** 2014.3.7. A researcher who later earned a doctoral degree.

2) Researchers affiliated with universities, research institutes, etc. who have produced at least 3 research achievements as listed below in the past 5 years

Achievement period  : From January 1, 2019 to March 7, 2024
▪ Paper: A paper published in a journal registered or candidate for registration by the National Research Foundation of Korea(등재지/등재후보지) or a journal registered by SCI(E), A&HCI·SSCI, or SCOPUS is considered an achievement. ※ Papers in which you participated as co-authors (regardless of the number of co-authors) can also be counted as achievements.

▪ Books/translations: 1 single work is 3 works, 1 joint work is 2 works
   ※ Recognition criteria
   - Books with ISBN 
   - The author's name must be specified in the book.
   - Books published as compilations and dissertations are not recognized.
▪ Patent: 1 patent (registered patent) is 1 achievement 
Online proposal submission period: 2024. 2. 29. (Thursday), 14:00 ~ March 7. (Thursday), 18:00
Grant: Within KRW 20 million*/year (indirect costs paid separately)
Remark: Young Scientist Grants in Humanities and social sciences is ‘individual research’ therefore a joint researcher is not allowed.
                Before online submission, you have to register you as a researcher at KRI and IRIS site

Please refer to the link below for the Request for Proposals (RFP) Notification for the 'Young Scientist Grants in Humanities and Social Sciences' by NRF: