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Business Management


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Mohammad Delasay

Mohammad Delasay is an Associate Professor of Operations Management at Stony Brook University's (SBU) College of Business, joining in 2017. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Alberta in 2014. Before joining SBU, he served as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. His research is centered on enhancing the performance of service and healthcare systems through applied stochastic models and data analytics. He teaches Operations Management and Supply Chain Analytics.

Research & Teaching Expertise
Research: Healthcare and Service Operations Management; Stochastic Modeling; Data Analytics
Teaching: Operations Management; Supply Chain Analytics; Business Analytics
Eagerly open to collaborating on mutual research and teaching areas of interest.

Awards & Honors
Dean's Graduate Teaching Award (2024)
IBM Research Report Stipend, IBM Center for The Business of Government (2024)
Stony Brook Trustees Faculty Award (2022)
UUP Individual Development Award (2022-2024)
Most Valuable Professor Award (2019)
Best Paper Awards: POMS College of Humanitarian Operations and Crisis Management (HOCM) Best Paper Award (Winner; POMS 2022); IBM Service Science Best Student Paper Award (Finalist; INFORMS 2016); CORS Student Paper Competition (Finalist; CORS 2014)

Selected Publications (for the complete list of the published and working papers, check here.)

Efficient Allocation of Load-Balancing and Differentiation Tasks in Tandem Queue Services
Mohammad Delasay, Mustafa Akan
Annals of Operations Research, 2024

Prioritization in the Presence of Self-ordering Opportunities in Omni-channel Services
Kang Kang, Sherwin Doroudi, Mohammad Delasay
Production and Operations Management, 2024, 33(3); 737-756

Efficient and Accurate Lyapunov function-based Truncation Technique for Multi-dimensional Markov Chains with Applications to Discriminatory Processor Sharing and Priority Queues
Gagan Somashekar, Mohammad Delasay, Anshul Gandhi
Performance Evaluation, 2023, 162

🏆 A Queueing-Theoretic Framework for Evaluating Transmission Risks in Service Facilities During a Pandemic
Kang Kang, Sherwin Doroudi, Mohammad Delasay, Alexander Wickeham
Production and Operations Management, 2023, 32(5); 1453-1470
Best Paper Award: POMS College of Humanitarian Operations and Crisis Management (HOCM), POMS Annual Conference 2022

🏆 Real-Time Delay Announcement Under CompetitionWatch Video
Siddharth Prakash Singh, Mohammad Delasay, Alan Scheller-Wolf
Production and Operations Management, 2023, 32(3); 863-881
Best Student Paper Award Finalist: IBM Service Science, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2016

Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Grocery Retail Operations: An Analytical Model
Mohammad Delasay, Aditya Jain, Subodha Kumar
Production and Operations Management, 2022, 31(5); 2237-2255

A Marginal Analysis Framework to Incorporate the Externality Effect of Ordering Perishables
Katsunobu Sasanuma, Mohammad Delasay, Christine Pitocco, Alan Scheller-Wolf, Thomas Sexton
Operations Research Perspectives, 2022, 9

The Value of mHealth for Managing Chronic Conditions
Saligrama Agnihothri, Leon Cui, Mohammad Delasay, Balaraman Rajan
Health Care Management Science, 2020, 23(2); 185-202

Optimal Markovian Dynamic Control of Interference-Prone Server Farms
Scott Votke, Jazeem Abdul Jaleel, Suresh Amoghavarsha, Mohammad Delasay, Sherwin Doroudi, Anshul Gandhi
Proceedings of the IEEE 27th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), 2019; 295-308

Tighter Lyapunov Truncation for Multi-Dimensional Continuous-Time Markov Chains with Known Moments
Gagan Somashekar, Mohammad Delasay, Anshul Gandhi
ACM Sigmetrics Performance Evaluation Review, 2019; 33-35

Load Effect on Service Times
Mohammad Delasay, Armann Ingolfsson, Bora Kolfal, Kenneth Schultz
European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, 279(3); 673-686

🏆 Modeling Load and Overwork in Queueing Systems with Adaptive Service Rates
Mohammad Delasay, Armann Ingolfsson, Bora Kolfal
Operations Research, 2018, 64(4); 867-885
Best Student Paper Award Finalist: Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) Annual Conference 2014

Inventory Is People: How Load Affects Service Times in Emergency Response
Mohammad Delasay, Armann Ingolfsson, Kenneth Schultz
In Cross-Functional Inventory Research, World Scientific, 2016; 21-50

Maximizing Throughput in Finite-Source Parallel Queue Systems
Mohammad Delasay, Bora Kolfal, Armann Ingolfsson
European Journal of Operational Research, 217(3), 2012; 554-559




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