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Business Management

Major Requirements

Requirements for the Major in Business Management (BUS)

Note: Many Business courses must be taken for a letter grade and do not offer students a G/P/NC option. See  the courses without G/P/NC option course list for a full list of courses that do not offer a G/P/NC option.

Acceptance to the Major in Business Management

Qualified freshman and transfer students who have indicated their interest in the major on their applications are accepted directly into the major upon admission into the University. Students who did not apply for the major and those who were not accepted into the major when they entered the University may apply to the major provided that their cumulative grade point average (including, for transfer students, college course-work complete at other institutions) is 3.2 or higher. Applications must be submitted to the College of Business Office of Student Services in accordance with the Registrar’s deadlines for processing major/minor declaration forms. Application forms are available on the College of Business website. 

Requirements for the Major

The major in Business Management leads to the Bachelor of Science degree. Completion of the major requires 55 credits.

Transfer Credit Policy for students in the Business Major

Students may apply a maximum of 21 transfer credits toward the Business Major. Of the total 21 credits, only 6 credits may used to fulfill an area of specialization.

A. Core Courses

  • ACC 210 Financial Accounting
  • ACC 214 Managerial Cost Analysis and Applications
  • BUS 215 Introduction to Business Statistics
  • BUS 220 Introduction to Decision Sciences
  • BUS 301 Business Communications
  • BUS 326 Organizational Behavior
  • BUS 330 Principles of Finance
  • BUS 340 Information Systems in Management
  • BUS 346 Operations Management
  • BUS 348 Principles of Marketing
  • BUS 353 Entrepreneurship or BUS 383 Social Entrepreneurship or BUS 441 Business Strategy
  • BUS 446 Ethics: Critical Thinking through Film or BUS 447 Business Ethics
  • ECO 108 Introduction to Economics
  • MAT 122 Overview of Calculus; or MAT 123 Precalculus; or MAT 119 Foundations for Precalculus and MAT 123 Precalculus; or a higher level calculus course

Note: Starting from the Spring 2026 semester, ECO 108 will be adapted into a two-course sequence – ECO 110 and ECO 111. BM major students must complete both courses to fulfill their graduation requirements.

B. Area of Specialization

One of the following specializations must be chosen at the start of the junior year. The details are available in the College of Business Office of Student Services.

Choose one specialization from the following areas:

1. Accounting
a. Required courses
b. Select one from the following

Note: For business majors, successful completion of the accounting minor will satisfy the accounting specialization requirement. However, only the accounting minor will be reflected on the student’s academic transcript.

2. Finance
a. Select four from the following:
3. Marketing
a. Required courses
b. Select one from the following:
  • BUS 302 Social Media Marketing Strategy
  • BUS 334 Integrated Mktg Communications
  • BUS 335 Business Advertising and Promotion
  • BUS 357 Principles of Sales
  • BUS 360 Business Marketing
  • BUS 362 Principles of International Marketing
  • BUS 363 Brand Management
  • BUS 378 Marketing Ethics, Public Policy, and Social Change
  • BUS 449 Marketing in Action
  • BUS 488 Internship
4. Operations Management
a. Select four from the following:

Note: BUS 475, BUS 476 Undergraduate Teaching Practicum I, II, and BUS 487 Independent Research will count toward the total University credit requirement, but not toward the business major.

D. Upper-Division Writing Requirement

BUS 301 contains the necessary writing components which satisfy the Upper Division Writing Requirement for the business major, and also satisfies the Stony Brook Curriculum learning objectives SPK and WRTD. This course must be taken at Stony Brook.


All courses taken to satisfy the business management major requirements must be taken for a letter grade. All students accepted to the business management major must complete all BUS courses, ECO 108, and MAT 122 with a grade of C or higher in order to satisfy the requirements for the major.