Denise Buhrau received her Ph.D. from Tulane University in 2010. She conducts research on consumer behavior, particularly in the context of health behaviors. She focuses on topics such as planning and goal pursuit, health communication, and the role of temporal orientation in decision-making.
Research:Selected Publications:
Russell, Cristel, Denise Buhrau, and Anne Hamby (2021), “Reducing television influences on
US adolescents who are high reactance,” Journal of Children and Media, 15, 153-164.
Buhrau, Denise(2020), “Approach and Avoidance Strategies in Health Goal Pursuits: The Moderating Role of Weight Status,” Food Quality and Preference, 8.
Buhrau, Denise and Tugrul Can Ozturk (2018), “Motivating Healthy Eating: The Role of Presentation Format and Health Consciousness,” Food Quality and Preference, 64 (March), 167-171.
Russell, Cristel A., Véronique Régnier-Denois, Boris Chapoton, and Denise Buhrau (2017), “Impact of Substance Messages in Music Videos on Youth: Beware the Influence of Connectedness and Its Potential Prevention-Shielding Effect,” Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 20, 674-683.
Teaching: Marketing Research, Introduction to Marketing