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Business Management


Soo Young Kwon img
Soo Young Kwon
  • PositionLeading Professor
  • OfficeB409
  • Emailsooyoung.kwon@sunykorea.ac.kr

Soo Young Kwon is a Leading Professor at SUNY Korea. He spent 31 years as Professor of Accounting at Korea University Business School. He studied economics at Korea University and received his BS from St. John Fisher College, MBA from the University of Texas at Austin, MS in economics from University of Rochester, and PhD from Washington University in St. Louis.
Professor Kwon was named PwC Distinguished Professor and is currently a US CPA. After earning his PhD, he was a tenure-track assistant professor at the University of Utah. He was the Dean of Korea University Business School and vice president of Administration and Finance at Korea University. He served as a non-standing board member of Korean Accounting Standards Board, a president of Korean Accounting Association, and an outside director of companies such as LGU+, Hyundai Capital, GS Home Shopping, and POSCO International.
His research interests are financial reporting, audit quality, and audit markets with publications in the Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, etc. He teaches Managerial Cost Analysis and Applications and Intermediate Accounting at SUNY Korea.

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