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Business Management


Text code : BUS 353-90 / Credit : 3
  • Prerequisites Business majors, Business minors, Entreprenuership Minors or Engineering majors: U4 Standing

Entrepreneurship is the study of new venture creation and management and it could occur in a myriad of ways depending n the interactions of entrepreneurs and opportunities. This course provides an overview of issues of creating a business, ranging from opportunity recognition and evaluation to resource acquisitions and management. It is designed to appeal to individuals with strong desires to become entrepreneurs, to join start up companies, or to work in the venture capital industry. The course objectives are threefold: 1) to develop a scientific understanding of entrepreneurship, and the empirical evidence in support of theories; 2) to transform this scientific understanding to practice; and 3) to provide firsthand experience with dealing with uncertainty and managing the start-up process.

Co-requisite for engineering majors: Enrollment in relevant senior design course

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