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Business Management


Outstanding Student Award Ceremony - Wednesday, September 28th at 12:30PM

AuthorBusiness Management REG_DATE2022.09.26 Hits292

We'd like to invite you to the Business Management Outstanding Student Award Ceremony, which will be held on Wednesday, September 28th at 12:30PM.
The distinguished students who performed well during the Spring 2022 semester are selected by the instructors of each course. 
Please see event information below and join us to congratulate the winners!
  • Date: Wednesday, September 28
  • Time: 12:30PM - 1:30PM
  • Location: C107 
  • RSVP Required: Please submit the RSVP to HERE**
  • Lunch will be provided to pick up

[Outstanding Student Award Winners from Spring 2022]

  • Gyeongmin Kim - ACC210 Financial Accounting
  • Jeeeun Lee - BUS215 Intro. to Business Statistics, BUS348 Principles of Marketing
  • Seoyoung Ryu -  BUS215 Intro. to Business Statistics
  • Jihoon Kim -  BUS220 Intro. to Decision Sciences
  • Sang Yeop Lee -  BUS220 Intro. to Decision Sciences, BUS330 Principles of Finance
  • Junyoung Choi - BUS302 Social Media Marketing Strategy, BUS359 Consumer Behavior
  • Seonmi Choi - BUS326 Organizational Behavior
  • Sunghyun Jang - BUS330 Principles of Finance
  • Haesol Choi - BUS346 Operations Management
  • Ga Hyun Kim- BUS348 Principles of Marketing, BUS355 Investment Analysis
  • Changuk Choi - BUS353 Entrepreneurship
  • So Young Oh - BUS363 Brand Management
  • Gi Hyun Lee - BUS365 Financial Management
  • Jungkyu Kim - BUS447 Business Ethics
  • Yeun Jung - BUS448 Marketing Strategy
  • Intae Kim - MAT122 Overview of Calculus with Applications