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Business Management


BUS End-of-Semester Gathering

AuthorAdministrator REG_DATE2018.06.12 Hits176


On June 11th, 2018, BUS department held its End-of-Semester Gathering. 

We took the time to come together and shared pizza and chicken. We also had a look on the activities that we did over the whole semester in a slideshow format. 

Department Chair Jin-Wan Cho shared couple of important announcements regarding the visitation to Stony Brook as well as the changes to the course schedule in the upcoming semester for the BUS department. He also announced the finalists from MOES. We congratulated them for their entrepreneurial spirit. BUS department encourages all the activities that are done by the students in these extra-curricular activities. Also, the information was shared regarding the IBITP internship over the summer. 

After, we played games to give prizes that the department has prepared. 

We hope each and every student will do fantastic on their finals! Good luck!